Prevention and Cleaning
Protecting one of your most valuable assets - your smile - through regular oral hygiene visits can help keep it sparkling for a lifetime. Regular oral hygiene visits are vital for keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy preventing serious problems. We can help you learn how to keep your smile looking its best!
Diagnostic services
Take necessary cavity-detecting x-rays.
Assess your periodontal (gum) tissue.
Evaluate existing dental restorations for proper fit, function, and aesthetics.
Check your bite, chewing, and swallowing patterns.
Review and update your medical history.
Record any changes in your prescribed medications and physical conditions.
Evaluate possible cosmetic enhancements to your smile.
Identify any cause of bad breath (halitosis).
Examine and screen for oral cancer.
Check your blood pressure.
Refer you to a specialist for specific treatment.
Develop a comprehensive treatment plan.
Preventive Services
Clean and scale teeth to remove all plaque and calculus (tartar).
Remove surface stains from the teeth.
Apply pit and fissure sealants to help prevent decay
Fluoride application.
Polish teeth and restorative work including but not limited to gold, silver, and composite fillings and crowns.
Educational Services
Instructions in tooth brushing and flossing.
Counseling in proper nutrition.
Presentation of prescribed dental treatment.
Recommending future dental treatment (Orthodontics, periodontal therapy, etc.).